Shobana Jeyasingh Dance
Material Men redux is a full length virtuoso piece for two dazzling performers of the Indian diaspora. Their chosen dance styles could not be more different – classical Indian and hip hop. However, they share a history rooted in the dark realities of colonial migration and plantation labour.
Working together with Shobana Jeyasingh Dance, I created the promotional material to accompany the Material Men redux tour, from digital advertising through to printed programmes and billboard posters.
Working with the marketing team, I created the Material Men redux programme which showcased the stunning performance images, content about the show and further details about the learning initiative that Shobana Jeyasingh Dance have developed.
Alongside the programme, I designed a range of outdoor and indoor banners that were displayed at venues, a set of promotional flyers and posters advertising the dance installation.
Photos by Chris Nash.